Saturday, December 27, 2008

... but my Heart Belongs to Daddy

Here's yet another car performance from Kesiah I find blog-worthy. Now, it's not that much of a gem but it is just darn cute. Not even three years old and she knows how to win me over. Just let me explain.

This girl is well versed at musicals. Since she is constantly asking us to sing we oblige her with songs from the musicals of our childhood. For Evin, it's "Fiddler on the Roof". For me, it's "The Sound of Music." I know it is not as cool as "Singing in the Rain" or "Dr Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog" but Julie Andrews is HOT! (That one is for you, grandpa).

On our way over to Shabbat/Birthday/Hannukah dinner at my in-laws, Kesiah asked us to sing "Matchmaker" with her...

All: For Papa make him a scholar. For Mama make him rich as a king.
All: For me, well I wouldn't holler if he were as handsome as anything...
Kesiah (with much excitement): Just like Noah!
Kesiah: Noah is handsome!

Gee, she just earned her first car.

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