Saturday, November 22, 2008

This one's Blog-able

The 3 of us were driving home after dinner with my other equally wonderful in-laws when...

Kesiah: (adamantly) I want to look in the kitchen bowl!
Mom: Are we in the kitchen right now?
Kesiah: No, we're in the CAR!
(sits, ponders what she just said.)
Kesiah: There are no cabinets here. Just doors.
Dad (quietly to Mom): That's blog-able


Matt Stratton said...

I've known Noah for eight years, 11 months, and two weeks...and throughout that entire time, I've been waiting for him to provide the internet with something hilarious.

That day has finally come.

This blog here? It wins the internet.

Unknown said...

Yes, this is all de-fi-nite-ly blog-able. Thanks Noah!