Earlier this summer, K really wanted to have a lemonade stand. So on a super hot day, we loaded up the wagon and headed over the heart of Oakhurst Village. Evin made two kinds of lemonade: Classic and Fancy Pants Lavender (yes, we used real lemons). With a selection like that and being K's first business venture, only a high traffic area would do.
After we set up, K began yelling her pitch to all passers by. She made up the pitch herself...
After a few thirsty cyclist stopped by, I thought I could leverage K's popularity and drum up some buyers from the local businesses. While making my rounds letting people know about K's stand, I thought it would be a neat idea to stop by the fire station...
Dad: Hello, anyone here?
Firefighter: (wiping sleep from his eyes) Um, yeah?
Dad: I'm soooo sorry to bother you but my daughter loves you guys and has a lemonade stand across the street. She would love it if you could stop by.
Firefighter: We'll see what we could do.
Dad: Thanks! Please don't feel obligated. I'm sure you have more important stuff to do.
Man, I felt bad for waking him and I started thinking "Why did I bother the fire department!" Anyway, the stand was doing well and little K was selling her heart out. About 20 minutes after my FD visit, the garage doors opened and the engine started rolling out.
Kesiah: Daddy! Look!
Dad: Wow! They are probably going to fight a fire!
Well, the engine pulled out and parked right next to K's stand! Kesiah started yelling her pitch! Not only did they buy lemonade, they let her climb in to the truck! Needless to say, K loved it (ok, me too!).
*jawdrop* Wow, that kid is super duper lucky ducky to have an awesome Dad and local FD!
I actually talked to a bunch of fireman after the third (THIRD!) time a firetruck stopped when Charlie was little to talk to him and let him climb in the cab and try out some of the equipment.
It turns out that public outreach to little kids is something that is in the fireman job description. Apparently there is a running problem with little kids hiding from firemen in their gear during fires. There is a fire, everyone is panicking, and then this huge THING comes walking through the door, so the kid races into a closet or under a bed.
Part of a fireman's (fireperson's?) job is to do lots and lots of community contact with the little set as often as they will stand it, so that in an emergency they see the huge firefighters as something friendly and safe.
It is just one reason that I heart firefighters more than I can possibly say. The whole department cares so fundimentally about individual families in the community. I'm so glad they stopped by K's stand!
Also, her lemonade stand is awesome.
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