Well, I did it again. This time it was me on the losing end of a match against a trampoline. K has a great sense of empathy and loves to pretend to help the sick and injured. Now that her daddy is hurt, she is willing and happy to jump to action...
Dad: Kesiah, could you get me a glass of water? It's just too hard for me to walk.
Kesiah: Sure.
She returns with a big empty glass.
Kesiah: I can't reach the sink.
Dad: That's okay sweetheart. You can use the bathroom sink.
Kesiah: Okay!
Dad: Thank you, baby.
This time she returns with the glass filled about an eighth of the way.
Dad: The glass wouldn't fit, huh?
Kesiah shakes her head but I gladly finish what she was able to give me.
Kesiah: Do you want more?
Dad: That would be great baby. Thank you!
This time she returns with a full glass.
Kesiah: Daddy, look! I used my cup to fill your glass.
She was so proud that she figured out to use her "after teeth brushing rinse" cup to fill my glass. This warmed my heart knowing that she was motivated by the desire to help her daddy. Later, we had lunch at Nana's. While Evin and Nana were preparing our meal, I plopped myself on the couch and Kesiah kept me company...
Kesiah: (holding about 8 toy animals) Daddy, want to play with me?
Dad: Of course, baby!
Kesiah: (isolating one of the animals) This one is the seeker. You be the seeker and the rest will hide.
Dad: Sweetheart, I can't really move around a lot.
Kesiah: (throwing the seeker in to my lap) That's fine. I won't hide far. Close your eyes.
She then proceeds to hide the rest of the animals within two feet of me.
Kesiah: Open your eyes. I made sure you can find them. Want a hint?
The rest of the day was spent injured on the couch with Kesiah using my lap or my arm as a pillow with random kisses on my cheek and touching my forehead checking for a temperature. I have the BEST KID EVER!