Well, this means one on one K time and more opportunity for her magic to materialize from the ether. Of course, not seeing Kesiah over the weekend meant she was pummeled with "I love you's", hugs, and kisses. I guess love must have been on her mind. Tonight during our Father/Daughter dinner...
Kesiah: Love is invisible.
Dad: Oh yeah, why do you say that?
Kesiah: (giving me the "duh" look) Because I can't see it.
Dad: Ha! But you can feel how much I love you, right?
Kesiah: ???
Dad: You know how much I love you. You must be able to feel my love.
Kesiah then waves her hand and pretends to snatch something from the air.
Kesiah: It feels fuzzy.
Kesiah: Your love is fuzzy. Mommy's is soft.